How To Use A Body Scrub & Polisher Step-By-Step Guide


If all that your routine consists of is a shower gel and a lotion, then it’s time to revamp your routine altogether. Whenever you feel that your skin isn’t doing its best, it’s probably because of the accumulation of dead skin cells. So, what is the secret to polished and smooth skin? It’s a body scrub. Here is what you need to keep in mind before you use a body scrub: 

1. Get your hands and legs on a body scrub which suits your skin type. You don’t want to use something that is very harsh on your sensitive skin. Look out for scrubs which are gentle and effective, such as coffee powder, grape seed oil, etc. 

2. Make sure that your body is damp before you apply the scrub. This helps in avoiding damaging your skin. 

3. Always concentrate on exfoliating one body part at a time. Don’t do everything at once! 

Uniqaya’s Exfoliating Body Scrub & Polisher with Coffee & Grape Seed Oil eliminates dullness and dryness from one’s skin. It leaves the skin feeling soft, supple and smooth. It also helps repair the skin by getting rid of dead skin cells. 


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