Mistakes To Avoid When Applying Body Butter Cream | UniQaya

Body butter is a beloved item for all the right reasons. It feels great to the skin, it smells great and it treats skin in the most holistic way possible. Whether you're a seasoned user or a first-time buyer, it’s very easy to make mistakes while you use it. Hence, here are some mistakes that you ought to avoid while you use a body butter cream : 1. Waiting too long before applying it: According to dermatologist Naissan Wesley, M.D, “The best time to apply is within three to five minutes after a bath or shower to help trap moisture in and restore the skin barrier that may have been disrupted by soap or cleansers. 2. Putting the body butter on your face: One of the mistakes that people make is apply it on their faces. This is because the products made for the body are generally stronger in terms of moisturising or exfoliating the body. Hence, the facial skin is more delicate in nature. 3. Not picking the correct ingredients: Never choose a body butter based on ho...